Thursday, January 8, 2009

Baby Uah's Dedication & String Tying Ceremony

On December 12th I witnessed the Dedication of two beautiful Thai babies right in the living room of my home. Baby Uah was then 2 months old when she and another Thai woman's baby boy participated in String Tying Ceremony. It was a joy to witness such an event and recognize the significance of both the Dedication trough the act of String Tying. Never before have I seen such a ceremony, but I felt God's presence and joy as these two women expressed their desire to raise their babies with the fear of God through a Redeemed Buddhist tradition. I wish this picture was clearer but if you look carefully you can see a flower arrangement from which we take the strings that are attached to Bamboo Stems (unseen in this picture). The two babies are in the center...soon to have strings tied on their little wrists, as well as on their mother's wrists.

1 comment:

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