Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Visit with Nitaya

This week I've had the previlage of visting with my friend Nitaya, who I came to know in January, on my first visit to Thailand. It was a blessing to see her again and share with her my heart for Thai people, culture and language. Nitaya is skilled at helping foreigners become aquainted with Thailand, but focusses on her call working with children in the slums of Bangkok.
She is a member of the Thai Covenant Church (TCC) and reveals her heart for contextualized ministry by chosing to live in the slums where she teaches about the love of God through English lessons and Thai Traditional Music. Most recently she's developed a way for the children to earn some spending money by making beautifully hand crafted cards.

Here are some examples of the cards that Nitaya has designed and made with the help of her students. She is hoping to get some feedback on her designs.


Marylisa said...

Kara, It was so fun to find and read your blog tonight. I've addded it to my "blog list," so my two readers will have direct access to yours. Said a prayer for you tonight! Mary Lisa

Jen Lowe said...

that is a beautiful card! say hello to nitaya for me - i was there in january 2007. it's good to hear how you're doing, kara!

Kara Jo Maus said...

Thank you Mary Lisa! I'm doing very well; happy to be at home tonight...getting ready for another week of Language School. Everyday counts! Blessing on your family.