Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Visit to the Royal Flora Gardens 12-10-08

On a particularly beautiful day I was taken to the Royal Flora Gardens with my Thai family. We all had the day off from school for a special government Holiday. I believe it was the day Parliment was established as a governing institution in Thailand. There was no admissions fee at the Gardens so we took advantage of the opportunity.

If I was to give a brief description of Thai art at this particular display I'd label it as a combination of modern and abstract. However, in some strange way it all seemed rather Thai, but remove it from Thailand and I'd say it'd all fit rather well in that park running North along McCormick Street to Evenston.

All of the colors and intensity of the artistry were overwhelming. Here are some of the pictures that I think you'll find interesting. Also imagine that this is supposed to be something like an amusement park for Thai people. At least this was my impression, but flowers and gardens are not on everyone's list of fun things to see and Thai people are no different on this matter.

I must mention however, that the colors and flowers in this part of the world I extrodinary and worth seeing. The varieties of orchids (that are so uncommon in the Midwest) are overwhelming. I botonist would have a blast studing the work being done at Maejo University, not far from my home. To the foreign eye, I believe that you really could think you're in a different world.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thai Market (Da'Lot)

Trips to the Market happening regularly around my home and there are a variety of Markets to visit. Each one is Thai, but some are more familiar than others, and some have little, if any, familiarity. Along my daily commute I pass at least 3 markets of the unfamiliar variety. Even after a handful of visits to these particular markets, they are still quite overwhelming and full of food I never new existed. I thought some of the produce sections in Chicago were pretty amazing to the Rural American eye, but nothing tops Thai markets. The only comforting feature is that there are many stands with the same products to sell.
This particular market wasn't like the average. I took these shots at the Royal Flora Garden's Market. It was somthing of an upgraded version of what you'd find in your average community with many more snack options. What you see above is little quail eggs (I think). Little eggs are fried (sunny side up) in their own individual grittle and served about 5 at a time with soy sauce on the side. To the right are raw pork & chicken kabobs spread out on Banana leaves just waiting to be grilled.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Visit with Nitaya

This week I've had the previlage of visting with my friend Nitaya, who I came to know in January, on my first visit to Thailand. It was a blessing to see her again and share with her my heart for Thai people, culture and language. Nitaya is skilled at helping foreigners become aquainted with Thailand, but focusses on her call working with children in the slums of Bangkok.
She is a member of the Thai Covenant Church (TCC) and reveals her heart for contextualized ministry by chosing to live in the slums where she teaches about the love of God through English lessons and Thai Traditional Music. Most recently she's developed a way for the children to earn some spending money by making beautifully hand crafted cards.

Here are some examples of the cards that Nitaya has designed and made with the help of her students. She is hoping to get some feedback on her designs.